No straight lines
“The straight line, a respectable optical illusion which ruins many a man.” ― Victor Hugo
We need to draw a straight line..
But why?
The horizon doesn’t need such artificial imposition -
the gentle curve that cradles our view of infinite possibilities
despite all attempts at limitation.
I want a straight answer..
But true?
The trunk of this tree has preserved its truth through generations.
knowing that certainty is just a variable,
an indefinite and incremental adjustment of reality.
Do it straight away..
But now?
These waves ingest time and rhythm,
knowing the value of anticipation to gather wonder
and the beauty of waiting to exhale.
I need to get it straight...
But why?
The imperfections, the wabi-sabi of the natural world,
the glorious chaos of human emotions,
have greater claim to trace the blossoming of understanding.
Set course for straight ahead..
But where?
These forests, hills and valleys aim to thwart the arrogance
and expectations of an easy way,
and recognise meander as the perfect path.